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Dr. Tennin has written over 14 books, over 80 plus unpublished research articles and presentations, and well over 100 articles for industry and trade outlets.  Her published books are sold in 139 nations through her holding coporation's publishing house Lady Mirage Publications, Inc. and retail and printing partners. The majority of Dr. K's books cost $20.99 USD.


She writers on specific topics based on decades of professional and personal experience, like weight loss and weight management (since she lost over 170lbs from being obese twice due to life adversisites explained in her speaking engagements), business, entrepreneurship, overcoming adversity, leadership, personal finance, new business creation, workplace/workforce issues, corporate governance, personal finance, business finance, organizational behavior, strategic management, change management, economic development, and global job creation. 


You can find Dr. Tennin's books in hardcover, paperback, and eBook form from major and non-major retailers and airport booksellers and resellers.  You can view and purchase copes of her books and other books she has published by clicking on some of the retailers links (tabs) below.  Practitioner conference articles and reviews are discussed at the bottom of this page.


Ideal for, but not limited to Small-Medium Sized-Enterprises (SMEs) and Large-Scale Organizations, Colleges, Universities, Associations, Nonprofits, and Business Schools
**The price for writing or editing White Papers and Case Studies (depending on the company size) is $25,000.00 USD - $150,000 USD (and typically range in page count of 40 to 100 pages; $1500.00 USD for initial consultation).**

White Paper Writer.png

Paper Booking Steps: (1) Booking form (tab), (2) pay 50% deposit payment, and (3) sign contract.

Case Study Writer (edited color).png

Case Booking Steps: (1) Booking form (tab), (2) pay 50% deposit payment, and (3) sign contract.

White Paper Editor (edited color).png

Paper Booking Steps: (1) Booking form (tab), (2) pay 50% deposit payment, and (3) sign contract.

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Case Booking Steps: (1) Booking form (tab), (2) pay 50% deposit payment, and (3) sign contract.

White Paper Consultant Speaker or Traine

Speaker Booking Steps: (1) Booking form (tab), (2) pay 50% deposit payment, and (3) sign contract.

Case Study Consultant Speaker or Trainer

Speaker Booking Steps: (1) Booking form (tab), (2) pay 50% deposit payment, and (3) sign contract.


The Business Success Journal
Spiral Paperback ($35.99 USD)
eBook ($17.99 USD)

A Spiral-Bound Manual Type Journal that Comes in Paperback and eBook Format... For New Entrepreneurs and Established Business Owners

Writing down your plans, goals, and what you actually achieved helps you to become a better person or leader by bringing clarity to what you want to do via seeing your plans and goals in written format, makes you more productive, and overall helps guide you on your goal accomplishment journey.  Each motivates you to complete what you wrote.


The Business Success Journal assists with each of these, particulary, by helping you plan and write out: (1) monthly revenue, product and service ideas, and scaling goals, (2) tracking the progress of the goals, and (3) daily inspirational quotes and affirmations to hit the goals. The system outlined in the journal is what I used to personally launch and scale multiple business, created numerous products and services in firms, plan and acquire high-level business connections, partnerships, and contracts around the world in various industries.


Purchase the Paperback Spiral-Bound or eBook from one of the following retailers by clicking the purchase button:

The Business Success Journal.png

All Natural Soups & Stews

($20.99 USD)

A One-Main Ingredient Guide to Making Homemade Natural Soups & Stews for Any Season

Sometimes you need to give your body a rest from what you have been eating regularly, such as meats, especially those that take quite a bit of time to digest and to rid the body of toxins that came in through certain foods eaten. And in this book I discuss how I lost 170lbs, over 100 lbs the first time and 70, nearly 80lbs the second time, beating obesity twice and sculpted an eating and overall nutrition plan.


Purchase the Hardcover or eBook from one of the following retailers by clicking the purchase button:

All Natural Soups and Stews_FRONT COVER

Scandals, Betrayers, & Liars: Understanding How Deceivers Mean Business ($20.99 USD)

A Detailed True Story Compiled Over Years of Observation to Recognize the Red Flags of Dirty Adult Business Acquaintances...

In this text I disscuss (1) how to go from associating with people who are okay with $8.00/hour jobs to colleagues with $2.4M-23B firm profit and loss (P&L) responsibility, (2) how Forgiveness is a pre-requisite to sowing a $100 seed to have God cancel debts worth thousands of dollars, (3) how God will use the same scandal, betrayal, wrongdoing, and dirt meant to remove, stop, hurt, or bury you to vindicate, promote, and raise you, and (4) corporate governance and documents, policies and procedures to protect your ventures, and more!


Purchase the Paperback or eBook from one of the following retailers by clicking the purchase button:


Soups & Salads ($20.99 USD)

Now is the time to take back your health and do the things you use to do, I have...

Here are some of my favorite healthy soups and salads recipes that I have created as a "book combination" based on my Salad Fast and All Natural Soups and Stews books.  Listed are recipes that boost energy and brain health, fight diabetes and constipation, renew strength, fight bone degeneration and improves skin health.


Also, in this book, I discuss how I lost 170 lbs, beat obesity twice and sculpted an eating and overall nutrition plan to better my health.  My recipes are original and are founded upon soups and salads that I learned how to make while working in a health food restaurant when I was ages 15-16.  What I learned about health in my childhood helped me win obesity and health battles in adulthood.


Purchase the Hardcover or eBook from one of the following retailers by clicking the purchase button:

Soups & Salads_Final Front COVER.jpg


Your physical and emotional health is just as important as your business health.  You need to be healthy physically and emmotionally to run an organization. Combo packages of books below and strategies listed in them are content you can use over and over if you don't want to sign up for a monthly health or exercise app subscription service, but still want to be healthier and obtain results. Track your health information and goals daily by hand in a workbook you can print out in color or black and white, to see your results. The books listed in each combo package and all of Dr. K's books are for people who want proven results from someone who has done it, even without counting calories.

eBook Combination Package Number One ($56.67 USD)

eBooks included in this package to assist you with getting your health on track by losing weight or managing your weight are 3 books with a 10% discount.  Food and beverages for complete meals and a workout workbook to print out, complete the worksheets, and record your daily progress:


  1. The 21 Day Smoothie Fast

  2. The 21 Day Salad Fast

  3. A New You! Workout Workbook


Purchase the eBook combo directly from Dr. K without having to wait for a hardcover or paperback book to arrive in the mail, if you have limited access to transportation to purchase from a retailer in-person, or would like to keep the combo package of books on your mobile device if you travel frequently. All, to maintain your health goals while on-the-go. Combo packages for eBooks are not sold anywhere else, only exclusively on Dr. K's website. After completing your purchase you'll be able to download your books to your mobile device or to directly to your computer with a download link. 


Purchase the package now by clicking the purchase button:

Book 1 Front Cover from BAM website.jpg
ISBN 9781311111012_Book 3Cover_The 21 Da
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eBook Combination Package Number Two ($56.67 USD)

eBooks included in this package to assist you with getting your health on track by losing weight or managing your weight are 3 books with a 10% discount.  Food and beverages for complete meals and a workout workbook to print out, complete the worksheets, and record your daily progress:


  1. All Natural Soups & Stews

  2. The 7 Day Detox: Green Detox Fast

  3. A New You! Workout Workbook


Purchase the eBook combo directly from Dr. K without having to wait for a hardcover or paperback book to arrive in the mail, if you have limited access to transportation to purchase from a retailer in-person, or would like to keep the combo package of books on your mobile device if you travel frequently. All, to maintain your health goals while on-the-go. Combo packages for eBooks are not sold anywhere else, only exclusively on Dr. K's website. After completing your purchase you'll be able to download your books to your mobile device or to directly to your computer with a download link. 


Purchase the package now by clicking the purchase button:

All Natural Soups and Stews_FRONT COVER
ISBN 9781311949974_Book 2Cover_The 7 Day
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eBook Combination Package Number Three ($56.67 USD)

eBooks included in this package to assist you with getting your health on track by losing weight or managing your weight are 3 books with a 10% discount.  Food and beverages for complete meals and a workout workbook to print out, complete the worksheets, and record your daily progress:


  1. The 7 Day Detox: Green Detox Fast

  2. Vegan & Vegetarian Slow Cooker Recipes

  3. A New You! Workout Workbook


Purchase the eBook combo directly from Dr. K without having to wait for a hardcover or paperback book to arrive in the mail, if you have limited access to transportation to purchase from a retailer in-person, or would like to keep the combo package of books on your mobile device if you travel frequently. All, to maintain your health goals while on-the-go. Combo packages for eBooks are not sold anywhere else, only exclusively on Dr. K's website. After completing your purchase you'll be able to download your books to your mobile device or to directly to your computer with a download link. 


Purchase the package now by clicking the purchase button:

ISBN 9781311949974_Book 2Cover_The 7 Day
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eBook Combination Package Number Four ($56.67 USD)

eBooks included in this package to assist you with getting your health on track by losing weight or managing your weight are 3 books with a 10% discount.  Food and beverages for complete meals and a workout workbook to print out, complete the worksheets, and record your daily progress:


  1. Soups & Salads

  2. 21 Days of Everyday Healthy Snack Recipes

  3. A New You! Workout Workbook


Purchase the eBook combo directly from Dr. K without having to wait for a hardcover or paperback book to arrive in the mail, if you have limited access to transportation to purchase from a retailer in-person, or would like to keep the combo package of books on your mobile device if you travel frequently. All, to maintain your health goals while on-the-go. Combo packages for eBooks are not sold anywhere else, only exclusively on Dr. K's website. After completing your purchase you'll be able to download your books to your mobile device or to directly to your computer with a download link. 


Purchase the package now by clicking the purchase button:

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eBook Combination Package Number Five ($37.78 USD)

eBooks included in this package to assist you with getting your health on track by losing weight or managing your weight are 2 books with a 10% discount.  Food and beverages for complete meals and a workout workbook to print out, complete the worksheets, and record your daily progress:


  1. The 21 Day Smoothie Fast

  2. The 21 Day Salad Fast


Purchase the eBook combo directly from Dr. K without having to wait for a hardcover or paperback book to arrive in the mail, if you have limited access to transportation to purchase from a retailer in-person, or would like to keep the combo package of books on your mobile device if you travel frequently. All, to maintain your health goals while on-the-go. Combo packages for eBooks are not sold anywhere else, only exclusively on Dr. K's website. After completing your purchase you'll be able to download your books to your mobile device or to directly to your computer with a download link. 


Purchase the package now by clicking the purchase button:

Book 1 Front Cover from BAM website.jpg
ISBN 9781311111012_Book 3Cover_The 21 Da
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