Dr. Tennin has written over 14 books, over 80 plus unpublished research articles and presentations, and well over 100 articles for industry and trade outlets. Her published books are sold in 139 nations through her holding coporation's publishing house Lady Mirage Publications, Inc. and retail and printing partners. The majority of Dr. K's books cost $20.99 USD.
She writers on specific topics based on decades of professional and personal experience, like weight loss and weight management (since she lost over 170lbs from being obese twice due to life adversisites explained in her speaking engagements), business, entrepreneurship, overcoming adversity, leadership, personal finance, new business creation, workplace/workforce issues, corporate governance, personal finance, business finance, organizational behavior, strategic management, change management, economic development, and global job creation.
You can find Dr. Tennin's books in hardcover, paperback, and eBook form from major and non-major retailers and airport booksellers and resellers. You can view and purchase copes of her books and other books she has published by clicking on some of the retailers links (tabs) below. Practitioner conference articles and reviews are discussed at the bottom of this page.
A rapid PCR-RFLP method for monitoring genetic variation among commercial mushroom species (pages 390-394)
Paperback Journal (Inquire with Publisher)
PDF Article ($00.00 USD)
Several fungi that are pathogenic in humans, e.g. Candida sp., have been extensively characterized [4]. Fungi also have economic importance because of their application as nutritional foodstuffs and various medicinal and industrial uses [5, 6]. Over 2,000 edible mushroom species have been characterized, although the number of species that have been commercialized is much smaller (Table I). Edible mushrooms have high nutritional value, being high in certain essential amino acids and low in cholesterol. Various medicinal applications of mushrooms have been documented including managing heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and boosting immune function.
There is growing interest in developing the industrial and biotechnological potential of species that produce bio-reactive enzymes or secondary products of medicinal or industrial significance. In exploring potential ecological and economic significance, identification and classification of fungi is an important first step.
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Partial Journal Article Abstract:
We report the development of a simplified procedure for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mushrooms. We have adapted standard molecular techniques to be amenable to an undergraduate laboratory setting in order to allow students to explore basic questions about fungal diversity and relatedness among mushroom species...
Keywords: Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Food, Nutrition, Economic Development
Impact of Women's Empowerment on [United Nations] SDGs in the Digital Era
($185.25 USD - Release: March 2022)
Women comprise 49.5% of the population, however as per a recent report by the World Economic Forum it will take 118 more years for women to achieve the same career prospects as men. Furthermore, the pandemic has set back many efforts related to reducing the gender gap with an estimated 36 years. It is also concerning to learn that 21% of women have lost employment due to the pandemic and those employed have experienced additional hardships due to child- or family care duties. The impact of women empowerment on SDG is exponential, as their contribution is essential in all domains relevant to our society and economy.
The World Health Organization has identified that women represent 70% of the global health workforce and a recently published report by The World Bank highlights that 66.8% of global primary education professionals. As a society we are facing a moral imperative to redesign, reshape and recalibrate our global approach towards women empowerment. This book aims to be a call to action and to offer key stakeholders a few alternative pathways that can address some of the major challenges that fuel the global social and economic gender gap.
Target Audience: Policymakers, law makers, regulators, academia, industry leaders, and non-profit organizations.
Main Editor: Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, MD, MBA at University of Miami, United States
Additional Editors and Authors: MDs, PhDs, DM, practitioners, researchers, academic scholars, expert business leaders
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Dr. Tennin Partial Book Abstract: Women's Entrepreneurship
Women lost more jobs than men during COVID-19. Perhaps due to caring for families and homeschooling children. However, is this really the case? Globally, women of the workforce lost $800B in income the first year of the pandemic. Does workforce include women who work in “corporate America” or corporate jobs? Women who are entrepreneurs also formally and informally employ workers… and themselves. Formally through State Development Authority’s and unemployment offices worker and tax registrations and informally, with independent contractors...
Keywords: Prime Minister, United Nations, World Bank, World Economic Forum, Economic Development, Financial Inclusion, Gender Gap, Leadership, World Investment Forum, COVID-19, Recession, Education, Strategic Partnerships, Job Creation
Change Management During Unprecedented Times
($125.00 USD - Release: June 2023)
While the COVID-19 pandemic, 41.3% of firms reported they shut temporarily because of the pandemic. In the United Kingdom, 32.5% of entrepreneurs stated they were still able to work during the pandemic, in comparison with entrepreneurs in Norway (58.5%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (81.6%), North America (55%), and France (55.9%). Within a global survey for the World Economic Forum, a variety of industries were surveyed, from entrepreneur startups to music festivals, manufacturing companies, and automotive enterprises. Seventy percent of startups reported they had to terminate their full-time employees since the start of the COVID19 pandemic. Only 40% of new enterprises reported they have sufficient earnings to endure three months of operations.
Meanwhile, CNBC advised, because of the pandemic, women lost 64 million jobs and $800 billion in earnings globally. To compare, the American Progress Report presented since the pandemic women lost nearly 5.4 million jobs while men lost 4.4 million jobs. From private experience, with consultation clients in almost 50 nations, working with investment forums, world leaders, presidents of nations, and business owners, Cuyper et al.’s (2020) claims closely resemble what various entrepreneurs stated, even though Bartik et al. (2020) and Stephan et al.'s (2021) claim is necessary too.
Crises in economies possess the capability to bring on hardships to both businesses and markets, as well as developing additional institutional voids.
For example, Bartik et al. (2020) carried out a quantitative survey on the North American small business ecosystem within the Alignable Business Network of 4.6 million companies. Bartik et al. (2020) stated out of all the sample, 7500 businesses replied to taking the resilience survey, where 41.3% of firms reported they shut temporarily because of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the sample, 1.8% stated they shut permanently because of the pandemic, but more or less 55.5% advised they were still able to operate; found a way to stay open and in business (Bartik et al., 2020). Comparably, in the United Kingdom, 32.5% of entrepreneurs stated they were able to work throughout the pandemic versus 58.5% of entrepreneurs in Norway, 81.6% in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and 55.9% in France (Stephan et al., 2021).
Businesses help economies not only exist, but to survive and thrive. They also play a role in addressing global social, environmental, and economic issues. Hence, for many years small businesses have been claimed to be the driving force behind economies existence and stability.
Gargi (2019) postulated entrepreneurship regards contributing to economies by employing people and is connected to new technologies and innovations that have the potential to create additional employment for markets.
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The new innovations and technologies also possess the ability to be profitable (Gargi, 2019).
Conclusively, resilience, education, financial inclusion, digital transformation, strategic partnerships, and particularly change management are needed when crises occur, to save and advance organizational ecosystems and economies. Therefore, knowing about the ideation and processes of change management to improve company negative circumstances are crucial to know. To innovate, improve performance, execute strategy to increase revenue, address risk, implement new systems, processes, or digital transformation to scale, and help stop companies from closing and ultimately from filing for dissolution. As a result, the aim of this book is to provide scholars, leaders, practitioners, and even key stakeholders of economies with different avenues to addressing important challenges companies encounter that impact the global economic landscape. Particularly, to assess the role and effects of change management on institutions, during unprecedented times.
Keywords: Change Management, Strategy Execution, Change Model or Change Framework, Crisis or Risk Management, Organizational Change, Measurement & Evaluation, Change Leadership, Team Effectiveness, Organizational Performance, Digital Transformation
Target Audience: Business leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, human resource managers, consultants, practitioners, organization behavior specialists, managers, economists, government officials, policymakers, lawmakers, librarians, students and faculty of higher education, scholars, researchers, and academicians.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Kyla L. Tennin, DM, MBA
Additional Editors and Authors: PhDs, DM, MBA, practitioners, researchers, academic scholars, expert business leaders
Editorial Advisory Board Members: PhDs, DM, MBA, practitioners, researchers, academic scholars, expert business leaders
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Organizational Resilience During Unprecedented Times
($251.75 USD - Release: April 2022-2023)
This publication will provide researchers and practitioners with new perspectives and tools to deal with the topic of “resilience” at different levels and in different contexts. A focus on emerging countries will be of great value since such countries in transition are facing real challenges of global competition, economic, social, environmental, and sanitary concerns. Few experiences from these countries are reported till now. Managerial, organizational, and entrepreneurial scholars across disciplines discussed the topic of resilience with different perspectives and approaches from developed economies. But much remains unknown about the manner to conceive the concept in recent and unprecedented times (notably in the context COVID-19 pandemic among others) disturbing everyone in their daily life, (family) business, and workplace.
The book tries to explore several promising experiences from emerging countries in different managerial, organizational, and entrepreneurial issues. It will advance new perspectives for future research by investigating different levels with interdisciplinary approaches and more integrative frameworks. Being as capability, “resilience” will be linked to many other concepts (CSR, sustainability, well-being, innovation…). The accepted chapters of the book will focus on different conceptions of performance: individual, team, and organizational performance; success, re-bouncing, well-being, job satisfaction, life satisfaction… This publication aims at having a global appeal, representing experts and researchers from different countries, continents, and universities... for building new theoretical frameworks for the advancement of research in the field and providing new explanations of the phenomenon of resilience for educational purposes.
Editorial Advisory Board: Dr. Tennin sits on the board for this publication.
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Dr. Tennin Partial Book Commentary: Entrepreneurs and Organizational Leaders Application of Resilience in Times of Crises
Chapter Title: "Entrepreneurship and Organizational Resilience: Responding to and Recovering from Crisis Situations (COVID-19)".
Keywords: Change Management, Strategy Execution, Change Model or Change Framework, Crisis or Risk Management, Organizational Change, Measurement & Evaluation, Change Leadership, Team Effectiveness, Organizational Performance, Digital Transformation
Target Audience: Business leaders, executives entrepreneurs, human resource managers, consultants, practitioners, organization behavior specialists, managers, economists, government officials, policymakers, lawmakers, librarians, students and faculty of higher education, scholars, researchers, and academicians.
Main Editor: Dr. Wassim J. Aloulou, PhD
Additional Editors and Authors: PhDs, DM, MBA, practitioners, researchers, academic scholars, expert business leaders
Institutions, Resilience, and Dynamic Capabilities of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Emerging Economies
($185.25 USD - Release: July 2022)
Entrepreneurial ecosystems tend to "grow the pie" by enhancing economic activities and growth in emerging economies. Such ecosystems sustain entrepreneurial ventures that provide a great push to the economic engine of an economy towards growth trajectory. COVID-19 placed huge pressure on the survival capacity of entrepreneurial ventures and tested them on resilience. Considering the special case of emerging economies, institutions (both formal as well as informal) play substantial role in explaining the preferences of the business. Understanding the role of institutions, resilience capability of entrepreneurial ventures in emerging economies can provide suitable insights and contributions towards the theoretical literature, policy makers and entrepreneurial ventures. Every entrepreneurial venture, small or big, needs valuable insights...this book is proposed that will help the entrepreneurs to understand the emerging economies in better way and to gain meaningful insights.
This book will strengthen the research in the following fields: 1. Role of entrepreneurship in economic growth in emerging economies. 2. How entrepreneurship is shaping the future of emerging markets. 3. Improving business resilience for entrepreneurial ventures 4. Drawing meaningful insights of entrepreneurial lessons learnt during pandemic 5. Entrepreneurship as a way to achieve sustainable development goals 6. Entrepreneurship as way to overcome institutional barriers and voids 7. Entrepreneurship as building block for emerging markets.
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Dr. Tennin Partial Book Abstract:
Entrepreneurship and Resilience in COVID-19
Chapter Topic: "Responding to Institutional Voids in Emerging Economies: Applying Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Strategic Partnerships".
Keywords: United Nations, World Bank, World Economic Forum, Economic Development, Financial Inclusion, Economic Impact, Economic Recovery, Leadership, Management, COVID-19, Recession, Education, Strategic Partnerships, Job Creation
Target Audience: Primary Market: MBA Students, BBA Students, PhD Research Scholars. Secondary Market: Entrepreneurs, Corporate Professionals. Tertiary Market: Institutions, Entrepreneurship development and research institutions
Main Editors: Shivani Inder, Amardeep Singh, and Sandhir Sharma at Chitkara University, India
Additional Editors and Authors: PhDs, DM, MBA, practitioners, researchers, academic scholars, expert business leaders
A Sample of Conference Experience and Papers Reviewed as an Expert in the Field:
Reviewer for general, entrepreneurship, international management, and expatriate management tracks for Academy of Management annual conference the European Academy of Management (EURAM; headquartered in Brussels, Belgium) conferences for practitioners, university faculty, doctors, and doctoral student research reports from around the world; EURAM organizers and attendees typically come from corporations, communities, colleges, and universities in the United States, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Belgium, New Zealand, Australia, Turkey, Austria, Norway, Greece, Romania, Canada, Netherlands, European Union, Hungary, Finland, Liechtenstein (a German speaking country in between Austria and Switzerland), and Ireland; Regularly attends economic development and procurement conferences.
University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies Knowledge Without Boundaries regular conference attendee for various workshops where practitioners, doctors, doctoral students and candidates, faculty, and researchers/scholars from around the world present empirical research from (1) research papers, (2) innovative practice papers, (3) practitioner workshops, and (4) practice and research posters, including virtual, such as:
2018 (1-2 hour workshops): (1) practicing healthy leadership, (2) ethical behavior in financial institutions: a leadership imperative, (3) case study methodology & design from a scholar-practitioner perspective, (4) student success in online practitioner doctoral programs, (5) an effective model for management, configuration, and functionality of dispersed research teams, (6) professional engagement to publication (publishing in professional and trade journals), and (7) non-experimental research designs.
2019 (1-2 hour workshops): (1) Dissertation of the Year Award recipients and virtual oral presentations of their dissertation topics, (2) Dissertation to Publication workshop (publishing in peer-reviewed journals), (3) Professional Engagement to Publication full workshop (publishing in professional and trade journals), and (4) Fulbright Program workshop (programs for researchers/scholars, corporate/entrepreneurial leaders, and educators/ faculty of colleges and universities).
International Conference on Industry, Business, and Social Sciences (IBSS) Conferences abstracts and papers reviewed to be presented as oral presentations; review criteria consisted of primitive categories of (1) purpose of study and research question, (2) research method, (3) data analysis strategy, (4) results, and (5) conclusion with the main focus on if the conclusion addresses the original research question:
Kyoto, Japan March 30- April 1, 2020 Conference (
Social Sciences abstract: “Common issues on commercial disputes resolutions: Vietnam perspective”.
Business abstract: “The integration of Chinese business migrant entrepreneurs in Australia”.
Industry abstract: “The principle of the powerless vehicle”. Discussion on eco-friendly auto-cars.
Business abstract: “Risk of insolvency and return of shares: Empirical analysis of Altman’s z-score in the Peruvian mining sector between 2008-2018”.
Business industry full paper: “Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning”. Kuwait University College of Business Administration paper/proposal for oral presentation at the conference. (
European Academy of Management conferences ( abstracts and papers reviewed; review criteria consisted of primitively 6 key areas (e.g. research question, refining or extending relevant literature, methods, results, discussion, and significance of contribution), with a comprehensive review in 11 areas:
EURAM 2018 Research in Action Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19-22, 2018 (; Copy of reviewers certificate: available upon professional request.
Entrepreneurship Track, Full paper: “Mobilising legitimacy through network ties: The relation between network content and innovation”.
General Track on International Management Track, Full paper: “Global talent management-A Scandinavian subsidiary perspective in ASEAN”.
Expatriate Management Track, Full paper: “Italian expats in French market adjustments and management strategy: An application of cultural frame theory”.
EURAM 2019 Exploring the Future of Management Conference, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-28, 2019 (; Copy of reviewers certificate: available upon professional request.
General Track on International Management Track, Full paper: “Obstacles to strategy implementation”.
Expatriate Management Track, Full paper: “Initial findings for labor markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia (2016-2017)”.